Errors and Omissions insurance
Mistakes happen, protect your business from client-related claims and defense costs.

Mistakes happen to even the most attentive workers.
Errors and Omissions insurance (E&O) is a form of Professional Liability insurance that protects your business if you or your employees are accused of oversights or faulty workmanship, even if that claim proves to be false.
SECURA offers E&O insurance providing protection if a claim is brought against your business for mistakes, errors, or faulty workmanship. Our coverage provides protection for damage to your product or work caused by mistakes, material defects, or for products manufactured, sold, or installed by you.
Features of E&O insurance
SECURA’s Errors and Omissions coverage help protect you from the expenses incurred from claims while also recouping a portion of lost earnings from missing work.
Defense costs
How your E&O insurance policy defines defense costs can have a significant impact, so it’s important to know whether your policy includes compensation for legal defense outside the bounds or within the limits of liability. SECURA offers E&O insurance with defense costs that are in addition to the limit coverage, or “outside” the limits.
Defense inside the limit simply means that defense costs are deducted from the total policy limit, resulting in less coverage available for any settlement payout.
Defense outside the limit means your defense costs are covered outside the policy limits, leaving your policy limit intact for covering any settlement payout.
Be sure to discuss how defense costs apply for your Errors and Omissions insurance policy with your independent SECURA insurance agent.
SECURA works with many types of industries, providing E&O insurance solutions for businesses of all sizes.
Don’t see your industry listed? Have a conversation with your local agent to learn more about how SECURA Insurance is right for your business.
Policyholder benefits that work
Risk management services
Exceptional claims experience
Independent local agents
Common questions about E&O insurance
Who needs Errors and Omissions insurance?
E&O insurance is a specialized liability insurance for businesses providing contractual services or advising clients, such as printers, plumbers, electricians, HVAC installers, and other service-oriented businesses.
What does Errors and Omissions insurance cover?
SECURA’s E&O insurance protects your business from claims resulting from a material defect in your work, or in a product manufactured, sold, or installed by you or your business.
What does Errors and Omissions insurance not cover?
E&O insurance does not cover claims which include, but are not limited to, employment claims, and cases of bodily injury or property damage where other coverage forms take precedence. Additionally, there is no coverage for any type of illegal activity. For a full explanation of E&O protections, speak with your independent insurance agent for details.
SECURA operates in 13 states with a variety of business insurance solutions, and we are proud to support the communities that have welcomed us for more than a century.